Types of PVC Pipes

Difference between PVC & CPVC

Let’s know the difference between PVC and CPVC by simply comparison in terms of use, characteristics.

First, PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride and it is a white colour plastic pipe. These pipes are mostly used for plumbing and drainage. It is a better option than metal pipes. It has strength, durability, easy installation and low cost. And with these features, it is used globally. As PVC is a thermoplastic material and it is moulded for different products like pipes, fittings, valves and other supplies.

The next is CPVC. PVC and CPVC have many similarities but they use for different purposes. Both PVC and CPVC have common basic materials with one additionally ability. In the process CPVC there is free radical chlorination reaction which increases the chlorine content of the material. CPVC is also a thermoplastic that can be moulded into products like PVC.

With the change in manufacturing, CPVC is used to handle various temperature ranges. And this is the reason in why CPVC is widely used for hot water lines than the PVC.

As per the ASTM standards PVC is used to applications up to 140 degrees F. and after 140-degree F the joints are weaker and the material also starts softer. The CPVC remain unchanged up to 200-degrees F.


There are also other differences between these materials. North American PVC pipes are in Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) and CPVC is available in NPS standard size or CTS (Copper Tube Size) sizing.

As the copper tube sizing is different from nominal pipe size and as the same name it is same used for copper tube pipe.

It is advisable to check first the where it will use and what is sizing system you using. You can differentiate it by colour. The CTS CPVC is in light yellow colour and schedule 80 CPVC (NPS) is in light grey colour.

Mostly PVC pipes have come in white or dark grey and for the information check the information on the pipe.

As there is a change in the manufacturing of PVC and CPVC, the solvent used to connect pipe and fittings are also different.

Where PVC and CPVC are used?

As stated above CPVC are used for hot water application up to 200-degree F. PVC is used for cold or unheated water and for vent and drainage systems. Though CPVC is used for both hot and cold-water application.

CPVC is widely used for both commercial and industrial purposes. It has various applications and is a bit pricier than PVC. And still, it is cost-effective.

It is advisable to use PVC for building, cold water systems, vent systems and drainage systems. CPVC is suitable for application with water temperature greater than 140-degree F but not more than 200-degree F.

Check the chemical compatibility chart before using for your application.

Is PVC and CPVC can use together?

All the NPS size pipe and fittings can fit but it is not suitable to use both together. The mixing of materials can damage the overall fitting. It is very important that a pressurized pipe system will build with single piping material and fittings.

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