The maintenance of the extruder must be carried out carefully by the operator. The extruder has to maintain at regular intervals according to load and working of an extruder. The servicing of the extruder is carried out on every sixth month or yearly. In the maintenance, the fitter and the operator of the extruder work together.
- First clean and scrub the oil in all parts of the extruder and remove dust from the electric control box.
- Then disassemble the gear transmission reducer and bearing gland and check the wear condition of every transmission part. Check the quality of lubricating change or not and if the oil has impurities it should be filtered or replaced.
- The gears are worn need to be mapped and bearings should be as per standards. After that, the spare part should be made or procure and it is repaired or replaced before the next use.
- Check the wear condition of the V-belt and adjust the base distance of V-belt equipment. The V-belt drive operations are most important and it should be appropriate. If the condition of the V-belt is severe, it must be replaced.
- Then check the wear condition of the screw tube. If there are scratches and friction marks on the inner and outer surfaces of the barrel and outer thread of screw thread. This can solve with the ground with a fine oil stone or fine sand cloth for achieving the smooth working surface of the barrel and screw.
- The actual temperature of barrel heating is measured by mercury thermometer and the error value of the instrument for ensuring accurate control for the operating temperature of extruder.
- Adjust and check every safety alarm device for safety and accuracy of operations.
- Test and check the various infusion lines of water, gas, and lubricating oil are clear and make sure to make it repair and dredge the leaking and blocking parts.
- Also, check and test all the connections of the power transmission line must be strong and safety grounding maintenance of electric control box and equipment is strong.
- Inspection is a must of various parts. Check heating equipment, cooling fan, and safety cover. If any of them is not accurate, make sure that every equipment must work accurately.